Pilchuck Audubon Society is a grass-roots environmental organization representing Snohomish County and Camano Island, Washington, whose mission is to conserve and restore natural ecosystems focusing on birds and other wildlife.
Monthly Program - January 9th
Attend in-person:
Snohomish PUD Building, 2320 California Street, Everett, WA 98201
Or attend online: Zoom registration
Understanding the Barred Owl Invasion: Impacts on Spotted Owl Populations and Ecosystem Dynamics
Guest speakers: Emilie Kohler & Kurt Licence, WDFW
Join Emilie Kohler, Conservation Biologist and spotted owl species lead for Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) and Kurt Licence, District Wildlife Biologist for WDFW’s North Puget Sound Region for a talk that will focus on invasive barred owls as an example of an anthropogenically-induced range expansion harming native species. We will discuss the competitive interactions between invasive barred owls and endangered spotted owls, how barred owls disrupt food webs and their threat to other sensitive species. We will talk about management tools for addressing conservation concerns like these, and answer questions from the audience. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn more about this important wildlife conservation challenge of our generation!
Mark Your Calendars!
Larry Schwitters Receives National Audubon’s William Dutcher Award
Last fall, our very own Larry Schwitters was awarded the National Audubon Society's William Dutcher Award at the national convention in Colorado. At our April monthly program we were honored to present the award to him.
The William Dutcher Award recognizes outstanding Audubon volunteers who exemplify the standard established by William Dutcher, the first chairman of the National Association of Audubon Societies in 1905.
Larry coordinates the monitoring of Vaux’s Swift roosts across the Pacific Flyway, an effort known as Vaux’s Happening. His efforts to conserve this species not just locally in Washington, but all along the west coast is truly admirable. We are incredibly grateful for and proud of the work he does, and could not think of a more deserving person for this prestigious award.
Read more about Larry's contributions and the award:
Get Involved
Whether you’re volunteering to lead field trips, participating in community science bird surveys, writing content for our blog and newsletter, teaching an education program, or taking a shift at an outreach event, you are a vital part of the Pilchuck Audubon community.
Every person and every contribution matters. Anyone can be a difference maker. Join our flock and help us protect our local birds, their habitats, and our communities.
Upcoming Events
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For each eligible purchase you make at the companies below, a portion of the sales will be donated to Pilchuck Audubon Society.
Cover Photo: Dark-eyed Junco by Mick Thompson