Pilchuck Audubon Society is a grass-roots environmental organization representing Snohomish County and Camano Island, Washington, whose mission is to conserve and restore natural ecosystems focusing on birds and other wildlife.

Volunteer Training: Tabling and Outreach Events

Saturday, October 12, 10:30am-noon

Ocean Research College Academy (1205 Craftsman Way #203, Everett, WA 98201)

Join us for an introductory training to tabling and outreach events, including:

  • How to set up the table at an event

  • How our tabling activities are run (i.e., crafts and games)

  • How to accept donations and payments for items we sell

  • How to submit your volunteer hours

  • General information about the organization and our programs

Outreach events are a great way for our organization to connect with new people in our communities about birds and conservation. These connections can lead to increased membership, new volunteers, and relationships that allow us to further pursue our mission. Types of events we like to attend include festivals, school science fairs, farmer’s markets, etc.

This training will be helpful for first time volunteers or those looking for a refresher.

Pigeon Guillemots: Our Favorite Salish Sea Seabirds

October 10, 2024

Attend in-person:

Snohomish PUD Building, 2320 California Street, Everett, WA 98201

Or attend online: Zoom registration

Guest Speaker: Shannon Boldt

Citizen scientist surveyors have been monitoring Pigeon Guillemots (PIGU) at their breeding colonies throughout the Salish Sea for over 20 years. As indicators of Puget Sound health, these are some important little birds! Learn more about this charismatic (and lovable!) seabird that lives and breeds in Washington's marine waters year-round, presented by Salish Sea Guillemot Network's PIGU Breeding Survey Program Coordinator, Shannon Boldt. She'll tell us about what knowledge we've gained through SSGN's extensive monitoring efforts, details about the breeding survey itself, and why their survey is so important. Hopefully you'll leave feeling inspired to become more connected to your local PIGU and their marine environment.

Photo by Shannon Boldt

Join us for a presentation at the Everett Public Library!

October 29 - Are You Ready for Weird Duck Season?

Winter in the PNW can bring some gloomy weather to the area, but it also brings us all those weird and wonderful waterfowl! Nicknamed “Weird Duck Season,” winter in western Washington is a great time to be out birding and looking at all the ducks that spend their winters here. You might be surprised to find how many species we get here and how accessible duck watching can be! 


December 5 - Christmas Bird Count: the Nation’s Longest-Running Community Science Project

Audubon’s Christmas Bird Count, or CBC for short, began on Christmas Day in 1900 as an alternative to the tradition at the time: a Christmas bird hunt. Instead of shooting them, enthusiasts began trying to count as many birds as possible. Fast forward 124 years later, we have an incredible dataset that scientists use to assess the health and trends of bird populations.

And here’s the best part: you can help us! Participating in the CBC is an excellent way for you to make a real contribution to bird conservation right where you live. Come learn more about the CBC and how you can sign up to help this year!

Larry Schwitters Receives National Audubon’s William Dutcher Award

Last fall, our very own Larry Schwitters was awarded the National Audubon Society's William Dutcher Award at the national convention in Colorado. At our April monthly program we were honored to present the award to him.

The William Dutcher Award recognizes outstanding Audubon volunteers who exemplify the standard established by William Dutcher, the first chairman of the National Association of Audubon Societies in 1905.

Larry coordinates the monitoring of Vaux’s Swift roosts across the Pacific Flyway, an effort known as Vaux’s Happening. His efforts to conserve this species not just locally in Washington, but all along the west coast is truly admirable. We are incredibly grateful for and proud of the work he does, and could not think of a more deserving person for this prestigious award.

Read more about Larry's contributions and the award: 

Brian Zinke (left) presents Larry Schwitters (right) with the William Dutcher Award.

Upcoming Classes

Ring-billed Gull by Mick Thompson

Gulls of Washington

  • Online class: October 17

  • Optional add-on field trip: October 19

The Raptors Among Us

  • Online class: November 12, 19, 26 & December 3

Get Involved

Whether you’re volunteering to lead field trips, participating in community science bird surveys, writing content for our blog and newsletter, teaching an education program, or taking a shift at an outreach event, you are a vital part of the Pilchuck Audubon community.

Every person and every contribution matters. Anyone can be a difference maker. Join our flock and help us protect our local birds, their habitats, and our communities.

From the Blog

Upcoming Events

Shop & Earn Donations

For each eligible purchase you make at the companies below, a portion of the sales will be donated to Pilchuck Audubon Society.


Our organization earned a 2022 Silver Seal of Transparency from GuideStar! Learn more about our organization’s impact through our nonprofit profile.

Cover Photo: Vaux’s Swifts at the Monroe chimney by Olivia Vanni/The Daily Herald