Birding Resources

Audubon Guide to Binoculars

Audubon Guide to Scopes

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Along the Great Washington State Birding Trail, you’ll find the best places for the best bird watching in the Evergreen State. Described in full-color maps with original artwork by Ed Newbold, birds are identified along seven routes, plus descriptions of habitat, access, and when to go.

Download each map below, or purchase a hard copy of each map ($5/map) by contacting

Email Listservs

  • Tweeters - A Pacific Northwest birding list serving the University of Washington, Washington state, and the Cascadia region.

  • Inland NW Birders - An email list for discussing birds and birding in the inland northwest. The area of interest is generally Idaho north of the Salmon River and Washington east of the Cascades.

  • Oregon Birds - An email list for discussing birds and birding in Oregon.

Birding By Ear Resources

  • Macaulay Library - thousands of recordings of birds that you can listen to and study

  • All About Birds - each species profile has a few sound recordings associated with it

  • Xeno-canto - thousands of recordings of birds that you can listen to and study

  • Larkwire - online learning app/website that you can use to study and test yourself with

  • Merlin - app that you can upload or record birdsongs to and it will help identify the species

Birding Podcasts

  • BirdNote - A podcast about the joy of birds and the ways that humans can help them, through simple, everyday actions.

  • Ray Brown’s Talking Birds - A live and interactive radio show about wild birds and the beauty of nature—attracting birds to your backyard, feeding them, and learning more about them.


Simplifying Bird Identification