Join our flock!
When you join Pilchuck Audubon, you’re giving a voice to the birds and wildlife you love.
But it doesn’t stop there.
You’re investing in our breathtaking landscapes, the education of our youth, and our local communities.
Your support allows us to advocate for the birds in Washington, teach classes in your community, restore native habitats, and provide opportunities for outdoor recreation with your neighbors and friends.
Join us today to help us protect the things you value most.
Pilchuck Audubon Chapter Membership Benefits
Membership dues stay local, supporting our programs in Snohomish County and Camano Island
Discounted prices on classes offered by Pilchuck Audubon
Discounted prices in our online store
Discount on Puget Sound Express bird cruises out of Edmonds
Subscription of our monthly newsletter, Profile
Information about how you can help your local birds
By joining our local Chapter, you give us strength when advocating for local issues. When we tell a congressman or local government entity that we represent a large number of their constituents, it matters.
National Audubon Membership Benefits
1-year Audubon magazine subscription
Associate membership in Pilchuck Audubon (if you live in Snohomish County or Camano Island)
You’ll be added to the Pilchuck Audubon Chapter email lists, but won’t receive full chapter membership benefits such as class discounts
Timely, relevant news about birds, their habitats, and the issues that affect them
A powerful voice in the fight to protect birds, plus advocacy opportunities
Special offers and discounts available only to National Audubon members
Membership dues support national priorities