Meet our 2023 Birdathon Teams!

To support a team by donating, click the button in their team profile. On the next page, choose “Birdathon Team” in the dropdown box, and mention their names in the comments box.

Clark's Nutcrackers

Team members: Phil Dickinson, Frank Caruso, Graham Hutchison, Bruce Bohmke

We are active participants with the Tuesday birding group and are continuing our Birdathon team participation begun in 2021 with Jim Beneteau and Virginia Clark. Our new name was chosen to honor the legacy of Virginia at Pilchuck Audubon. Bruce is joining our team this year to help carry on the Birdathon tradition we began with Jim and Virginia. Once again, our goal is to achieve at least 220 species statewide.

Birding for our Caws

Team members: Brian Zinke and Madelyn Voelker

We are excited to participate in our fourth Birdathon! We saw 77 species in 2020, 103 in 2021, and 112 in 2022. Surpassing that number this year will be a challenge but we're going for it!

Snohomish Starlings

Team member: Douglas Resnick

The Common Loons

Team members: Jessica Steppe, Brenden Calvo, Lesa Steppe, Alison Trichler, Isabelle John

We are just a bunch of common loons who love birds and are excited to compete in our first birdathon!

Four Eyes Birdswise

Team members: Hilkka and Claire Egtvedt

Hummingbird Hill Gang

Team members: Susie Schaefer, Joan Poor, Julia Allen, Marty Jones

We are a wisdom of Great Grays living in the Hummingbird Hill Park neighborhood of Edmonds - folks who give a hoot about birds!

Photo by Mick Thompson

PNW Birding Babes

Team members: Rhonell Kercheval, Melina Pease, Ashley Rappleyea

One experienced birder with 2 newbies! We hope to spot many species during the month - 2 of us will be traveling (one internationally) so global birding is what we're about this month!

Photo by Mick Thompson

The Hobbyist

Team member: Matt Niederkorn

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