Meet our 2024 Birdathon Teams!

To support a team by donating, click the button in their team profile. On the next page, choose “Birdathon Team” in the dropdown box, and mention their names in the comments box.

Four Eyes Birdswise

Team members: Hilkka and Claire Egtvedt

Birding for our Caws

Team members: Brian Zinke and Madelyn Voelker

We are excited to participate in our 5th Birdathon! Our counts from previous years are:

  • 2020: 77 species

  • 2021: 103 species

  • 2022: 112 species

  • 2023: 78 species

We’re hoping to bounce back this year and surpass 100 again!

Patrick Claussen

Counting Crows

Team members: Douglas Resnick, Terry Nightingale, Sue Nightingale, Lisa Weber, Jonathan Blubaugh, Judy Hall, Kelli Marks

A few of us met on a Saturday outing years ago. As time went on, the others joined us on other outings or on Christmas Bird Counts. We're coming together this spring, in order to have fun birding and to raise some money for PAS!

Mark Lucianna

The Great Tits

Team members: Jessica Steppe, Lesa Steppe, Isabelle John, Diane John, Anna Horner, Sarah Harvey

We are an all ladies team who love birding and our favorite bird is the Great Tit.

Hummingbird Hill Gang

Team members: Marty Jones, Susie Schaefer, Joan Poor, Samantha Poor

We are a wisdom of Great Grays living in the Hummingbird Hill Park neighborhood of Edmonds - folks who give a hoot about birds!

Red-nose Illuminary

Team members: Jason Kirschten, Michael Kirschten, Jacob Kirschten

We are a family that enjoys birding and likes to help out where we can.

Join us!

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