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White Geese of Winter

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Guest speaker: Martha Jordan

Snow Geese: Many arrive each fall from their breeding grounds on Russia’s Wrangel Island to spend their winter in the Skagit Valley, Washington and Frasier Delta, Canada. In the 1970s this population of snow geese was in trouble and much effort by Russia, Canada and the U.S. was made to be sure they survived. They not only survived, they have thrived. The Wrangel Island population has grown exponentially over the decades and is now a concern to many waterfowl managers, farmers and others throughout the Pacific Flyway as this increase in population creates an ever growing throng of winter birdwatchers who drive an economic boom of ecotourism as well as a serious human-wildlife conflict with farmers and more.

This program will present information on how what we once knew about the lesser snow goose no longer applies. Why are lots of snow geese now in eastern Washington? Learn about migration routes, where are all these snow geese are wintering, how many are there, and the conflicts that rise with their growing numbers.