Puget Loop Map - Great Washington State Birding Trail

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Puget Loop Square.png

Puget Loop Map - Great Washington State Birding Trail


The Puget Loop features 220 of our 346 annually recorded bird species around the Sound from Seattle to Mt. Rainier, plus Lake Washington, Kitsap Peninsula; and Vashon, Bainbridge, Whidbey and San Juan islands.

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Pilchuck Audubon chapter members can receive 10% off all items in our store. Ask about our member discount code by contacting director@pilchuckaudubon.org.

Travel by car, bus or ferry, or bike or paddle to the Puget Loop’s 42 main sites and 18 “more birding” locations to spot Bald Eagles, Pileated Woodpeckers, Pacific Wrens, Anna’s Hummingbirds, Chestnut-backed Chickadees, and Pigeon Guillemots. 

Thank you to the hard-working Birding Trail Committees of the eight chapters of the Puget Loop: Eastside, Kitsap, Rainier, San Juan, Birds Connect Seattle, Tahoma, Vashon-Maury, and Whidbey.

Shipping: $2 for the first map, plus $0.50 for each additional map