Book recommendation: Hurricane Lizards and Plastic Squid

Hurricane Lizards and Plastic Squid

By Thor Hanson


An intensive study on how plants and animals are moving and adapting to the rising temperatures on Earth.

What I liked about this book:

The author gave many extensive examples of multiple land and sea plants and animals and how they have evolved to survive. Pelicans have moved nesting grounds, bears have shifted their diets, butterflies have larger muscles, specific breeds of birds changing the way they pick a partner, etc.

Who might enjoy this book:

Anyone who wants to read more about the ongoing research on various plants and animals and how they are adapting to changes in warming temperatures. Though not necessarily a book dedicated to how climate change is changing the world, but how we can make small changes to make a big difference in a variety of different areas of our life.

More about the book:

Thor Hanson delves into a look of nature’s adaptations to climate change, both in positive and negative ways. The author discusses that climate change isn’t “coming” but is already here, affecting the tiniest plants to the largest ecosystems. Rather than a doomsday novel, the author presents facts that inform us and shows us the bigger picture.


Recommended by Kiana G., a volunteer with Pilchuck Audubon Society. Her thoughts and opinions in this review are entirely her own and do not represent those of Pilchuck Audubon.

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Pilchuck Audubon Society is a grass-roots environmental organization representing Snohomish County and Camano Island, Washington, whose mission is to conserve and restore natural ecosystems focusing on birds and other wildlife.