South Whidbey Island

January 28, 2020

We enjoyed seeing the 300 Western grebes with most of them at Holmes Harbor.  We also found a Red-breasted Sapsucker at Holmes Harbor.  The shorebirds at Deer Lagoon in the afternoon were a treat.  Always enjoy seeing the plovers. 

71 Species (Approx. Qty.)

Attendees: Wilma, Virginia, Jim, Frank, Ken, Melinda, Bev, Sue, Phil, Val, Judy, Craig, Nancy, Susan, Rex, Pamela, Karen, Jim, and Mike


WATERFOWL: Brant (80), Canada Goose (6), Gadwall (8),  American Wigeon (44), Mallard (58), Northern Shoveler (30), Green-winged Teal (2), Northern Pintail (2), Ring-necked Duck (2), Lesser Scaup (2), Surf Scoter (52), White-winged Scoter (15), Bufflehead (26),  Common Goldeneye (4), Barrow's Goldeneye (3), Hooded Merganser (6), Common Merganser (7), Red-breasted Merganser (10)

LOONS, GREBES: Red-throated Loon (2), Pacific Loon (5), Common Loon (5), Pied-billed Grebe (1), Horned Grebe (55), Red-necked Grebe (3), Western Grebe (300)

PELICANS, HERONS, IBIS: Double-crested Cormorant (6), Pelagic Cormorant (11), Great Blue Heron (3)

RAPTORS: Bald Eagle (5), Northern Harrier (2), Cooper's Hawk (1), Red-tailed Hawk (2)

RAILS, CRANES: Virginia Rail (3)

SHOREBIRDS: Black-bellied Plover (41), Sanderling (14), Dunlin (306)

ALCIDS: Common Murre (1), Pigeon Guillemot (3), Marbled Murrelet (2), Rhinoceros Auklet (1)

DOVES, PIGEONS: Rock Pigeon (18), Eurasian Collared-Dove (1), Mourning Dove (3)


KINGFISHER: Belted Kingfisher (2)

WOODPECKERS: Red-breasted Sapsucker (1), Downy Woodpecker (1), Hairy Woodpecker (1), Northern Flicker (6)

CORVIDS: Steller's Jay (3), American Crow (15), Common Raven (2)

CHICKADEES, BUSHTIT: Black-capped (19), Chestnut-backed (4)

WRENS: Bewick's (2), Pacific (2), Marsh (2)

KINGLETS: Golden-crowned (29), Ruby-crowned (4)

THRUSHES: American Robin (8)

STARLING: European Starling (25)

SPARROW, TANAGERS: Spotted Towhee (10), Fox Sparrow (3), Song Sparrow (14), Golden-crowned Sparrow (1), Dark-eyed Junco (132)

BLACKBIRDS, ORIOLES: Red-winged Blackbird (56)

FINCHES, WEAVER FINCH: Purple Finch (1), House Finch (20), Pine Siskin (100), House Sparrow (6)