Trip Report: South Whidbey

Photo: Whimbrel by Philip Dickinson

May 2, 2023

Wilma Bayes, who was raised on a south Whidbey Island farm, led us on an itinerary from Maxwelton to Crockett Lake. At Maxwelton, we began with Whimbrel, Western Grebe, Bonaparte’s Gull, Common Loon, Pacific Loon and California Quail. At the Ewing Road marsh, highlights were Osprey and five swallow species, while along Newman Rd. and at Lone Lake we found Hutton’s Vireo, Pacific-slope Flycatcher, Black-headed Grosbeak, Yellow Warbler, Rufous Hummingbird and Band-tailed Pigeon. Morning and afternoon visits to Deer Lagoon yielded American White Pelican, Black-bellied Plover, Dunlin and Least Sandpiper. In the Crockett Lake area, additions included Harlequin Duck, Black Oystercatcher Western Sandpiper.

92 species (approx. qty.)

Attendees: Wilma, Frank, Phil, Tari, Doug, Carol, Pam T., Jane, Pam P., John E., John H., Val, Judy L., Denny, Amy, Sue B, Robin, Karen, Jeff


WATERFOWL: Brant (15), Snow Goose (150), Canada Goose (21), Wood Duck (4), Gadwall (89), American Wigeon (750), Eurasian Wigeon (2), Mallard (22), Northern Shoveler (11), Northern Pintail (53), Green-winged Teal (62), Ring-necked Duck (2), Greater Scaup (7), Harlequin Duck (8), Surf Scoter (208), Bufflehead (42), Barrow’s Goldeneye (1), Red-breasted Merganser (7), Ruddy Duck (6)

LOON, GREBES: Common Loon (1), Pacific Loon (2), Horned Grebe (4), Red-necked Grebe (1), Western Grebe (6)

PELICANS, HERONS, IBIS: Pelagic Cormorant (60), American White Pelican (16), Great Blue Heron (7)

RAPTORS: Osprey (9), Northern Harrier (1), Bald Eagle (8), Cooper’s Hawk (1), Red-tailed Hawk (1)

RAILS, CRANES: Virginia Rail (1), Sora (1)

SHOREBIRDS: Black-bellied Plover (8), Killdeer (3), Black Oystercatcher (3), Whimbrel (127), Dunlin (19), Least Sandpiper (58), Western Sandpiper (57)

GULLS, TERNS: Bonaparte’s Gulls (417), Short-billed Gull (78), Glaucous-winged Gull (19), Caspian Tern (65)

ALCIDS, JAEGERS: Pigeon Guillemot (10), Rhinoceros Auklet (5)

DOVES, PIGEONS: Rock Pigeon (14), Band-tailed Pigeon (5), Eurasian Collared-Dove (3), Mourning Dove (2)

HUMMMINGBIRDS: Anna’s Hummingbird (1), Rufous Hummingbird (2)

WOODPECKERS: Hairy Woodpecker (1), Northern Flicker (1)

FLYCATCHERS: Pacific-slope Flycatcher (1)

SHRIKES, VIREOS: Hutton’s Vireo (1)

CORVIDS: American Crow (20)

LARKS, SWALLOWS: Purple Martin (9), Northern Rough-winged Swallow (6), Tree Swallow (23), Violet-Green Swallow (1), Barn Swallow (17), Cliff Swallow (1)

CHICKADEES, BUSHTIT: Black-capped Chickadee (1), Bushtit (5)

NUTHATCHES, CREEPER: Red-breasted Nuthatch (5)

WRENS: Bewick’s Wren (3), House Wren (1), Pacific Wren (2), March Wren (5)

KINGLETS: Ruby-crowned Kinglet (1)

THRUSHES: American Robin (21)

MIMIDS, STARLINGS: European Starling (10)

WARBLERS, CHATS: Orange-crowned Warbler (2), Common Yellowthroat (4), Yellow Warbler (1), Wilson’s Warbler (2)

LONGSPURS, SPARROWS: Spotted Towhee (5), Savannah Sparrow (3), Song Sparrow (4), White-crowned Sparrow (4), Golden-crowned Sparrow (1), Dark-eyed Junco (4)

TANAGERS, GROSBEAKS: Black-headed Grosbeak (1)

BLACKBIRDS, ORIOLES: Red-winged Blackbird (28), Brown-headed Cowbird (4)

FINCHES, WEAVER FINCH: House Finch (5), American Goldfinch (8), House Sparrow (6)