Outreach events are a great way for our organization to connect with new people in our communities about birds and conservation. These connections can lead to increased membership, new volunteers, and relationships that allow us to further pursue our mission. Types of events we like to attend include festivals, school science fairs, farmer’s markets, etc.
Right now, we’re limited on how many events we can participate in due to capacity, and we’re hoping you can help us change that!
Join us for an introductory training to tabling and outreach events, including:
How to set up the table at an event
How our tabling activities are run (i.e., crafts and games)
How to accept donations and payments for items we sell
How to submit your volunteer hours
General information about the organization and our programs
This training will be helpful for first time volunteers or those looking for a refresher.
We hope to make this a fun, interactive training to ensure you get the most out of it.
We look forward to seeing you there!