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Great Backyard Bird Count Training

Register to attend (free)

Join us and Alan Mearns virtually at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, February 6, 2021, to learn about the 2021 annual Great Backyard Bird Count (GBBC). Receive information that will get you ready to participate safely in the count that occurs February 12‐15, 2021. First timers, beginning birders, teachers, families and kids, and others who want to brush up on their backyard bird identification skills will benefit from this one‐hour workshop and have fun. The training will include what birds you are likely to see, how to practice spotting birds, and recording and entering your data online. So charge your computer, tablet, or cell phone, find your binoculars, and learn about the birds you may see in your own backyard.

Then, the following weekend, February 12‐15, 2021, take some time to count birds in your own COVID‐19‐safe yard or apartment balcony, or, observing safe social distancing and masking, at your favorite park or beach. Enter your data online into the GBBC website. The GBBC is free, safe, fun, and easy for all ages. You can participate even if you have only 15 minutes to spare!

For more information on the GBBC, visit https://