Trip Report: Kiket Island

Photo: Black Oystercatcher by Mick Thompson

March 7, 2023

A sunny harbinger of spring made for a pleasant and productive day of birding around the La Connor area. At Kiket Island, we saw our first Black Oystercatchers of the day, several Red-breasted Mergansers and Horned Grebes. We also heard Hutton’s Vireo and Great Horned Owl. At Similk Beach we watched Wilson’s Snipe and 17 additional oystercatchers. Our drive around March Point yielded Greater Yellowlegs, Brants and still more oystercatchers. We ended the day at the Fir Island Hayton Reserve with a Canvasback and a flock of Dunlin.

65 species (approx. qty.)

Attendees: Phil, Dianna, Denny, Rex, Jane, Rick, Teri, Ed, Sue, Judy Lo., Maureen T., Ken, Reg, Wilma, Pam P. Brian, Milt, Carol, Tari


WATERFOWL: Snow Goose (60), Brant (120), Canada Goose (4), Trumpeter Swan (200), American Wigeon (126), Gadwall (20), Mallard (525), Northern Pintail (420), Green-winged Teal (100), Canvasback (1), Greater Scaup (10), Lesser Scaup (4), Surf Scoter (3), Bufflehead (84), Common Goldeneye (29), Hooded Merganser (10), Common Merganser (5), Red-breasted Merganser (16)

LOONS, GREBES: Common Loon (2), Pied-billed Grebe (2), Horned Grebe (5)

PELICANS, HERONS, IBIS: Double-crested Cormorant (126), Pelagic Cormorant (4), Great Blue Heron (8)

RAPTORS: Northern Harrier (2), Bald Eagle (6), Red-tailed Hawk (5)

SHOREBIRDS: Killdeer (1), Black Oystercatcher (22), Greater Yellowlegs (6), Dunlin (300), Wilson’s Snipe (3)

GULLS, TERNS: Short-billed Gull (30), Ring-billed Gull (15), California Gull (1), Glaucous-winged Gull (105)

ALCIDS: Pigeon Guillemot (3)

DOVES, PIGEONS: Eurasian Collared-Dove (20), Mourning Dove (1)

OWLS: Great Horned Owl (1)

HUMMINGBIRDS: Anna’s Hummingbird (3)

KINGFISHER: Belted Kingfisher (2)

WOODPECKERS: Downy Woodpecker (1), Pileated Woodpecker (1), Northern Flicker (2)

SHRIKES, VIREOS: Hutton’s Vireo (1)

CORVIDS: American Crow (2), Common Raven (3)

CHICKADEES, BUSHTIT: Chestnut-backed Chickadee (4)

NUTHATCHES, CREEPER: Red-breasted Nuthatch (5), Brown Creeper (1)

WRENS: Bewick’s Wren (2), Pacific Wren (2)

THRUSHES: American Robin (15)

MIMIDS, STARLINGS: European Starling (5)

LONGSPURS, SPARROWS: Spotted Towhee (3), Fox Sparrow (1), Song Sparrow (6), Golden-crowned Sparrow (2), Dark-eyed Junco (17)

BLACKBIRDS, ORIOLES: Red-winged Blackbird (6), Brewer’s Blackbird (1000)