Trip Report: Monroe to Carnation

Photo: Western Tanager by Mick Thompson

May 17, 2022

A delightful Spring day provided a great opportunity to see some of our arriving migrant species at Carnation Marsh, Tolt-McDonald Park, Sikes Lake, Stillwater and Crescent Lake. The birds included five warbler species, Vaux Swift, Swainson’s Thrush, Western Tanager, Black-headed Grosbeak, Olive-sided Flycatcher, Lazuli Bunting, Western Kingbird and Bullock’s Oriole. Newer birders especially were thrilled to have good views of the orioles and a Cinnamon Teal. Another treat was provided by parent Brown Creepers collecting food and feeding a young one.

64 Species (Approx. Qty.)

Attendees: Virginia, Phil, Graham, Ken, Doug, Maureen, Rex, Jeff, Karen, Pam, John E., Judy La., Judy Lo., Val, Steve, Lynda, Norwyn, Eric, Denny, Melissa


WATERFOWL: Canada Goose (90), Wood Duck (8), Gadwall (1), Mallard (4), Cinnamon Teal (1), Common Merganser (2)

PELICANS, HERONS, IBIS: Great Blue Heron (1)

VULTURE: Turkey Vulture (2)

RAPTORS: Bald Eagle (5), Cooper’s Hawk (1), Red-tailed Hawk (4), American Kestrel (2)

DOVES, PIGEONS: Band-tailed Pigeon (11), Eurasian Collared-Dove (1), Mourning Dove (2)

NIGHTHAWKS, SWIFTS: Vaux Swift (300)

HUMMINGBIRDS: Anna’s Hummingbird (2), Rufous Hummingbird (4)

KINGFFISHER: Belted Kingfisher (1)

WOODPECKERS: Red-breasted Sapsucker (3), Downy Woodpecker (1), Northern Flicker (3)

CORVIDS: Steller’s Jay (1), American Crow (4), Common Raven (1)

LARKS, SWALLOWS: Tree Swallow (12), Violet-green Swallow (15), Northern Rough-winged Swallow (2), Cliff Swallow (2), Barn Swallow (20)

CHICKADEES, BUSHTIT: Black-capped Chickadee (2), Bushtit (2)

NUTHATCHES, CREEPER: Red-breasted Nuthatch (2), Brown Creeper (4)

WRENS: Bewick’s Wren (2), Marsh Wren (7)

THRUSHES: Swainson’s Thrush (4), American Robin (10)

MIMIDS, STARLINGS: European Starling (60)

WAXWINGS, PIPITS: Cedar Waxwing (16)

WARBLERS, CHATS: Orange-crowned Warbler (1), Common Yellowthroat (4), Yellow Warbler (4), Yellow-rumped Warbler (6), Wilson’s Warbler (4)

TANAGERS, GROSBEAKS: Western Tanager (2), Black-headed Grosbeak (9), Lazuli Bunting (1)

LONGSPURS, SPARROWS: Spotted Towhee (2), Savannah Sparrow (3), Song Sparrow (9), White-crowned Sparrow (2), Golden-crowned Sparrow (1)

BLACKBIRDS, ORIOLES: Red-winged Blackbird (20), Brewer’s Blackbird (12), Brown-headed Cowbird (8), Bullock’s Oriole (3)

FINCHES, WEAVER FINCH: Purple Finch (4), House Finch (1), American Goldfinch (4), House Sparrow (1)