Trip Report: Cle Elum

Photo: Bullock’s Orioel by Mick Thompson

May 24, 2022

Although it was cool and overcast east of the mountains, the morning birding was excellent. At Bullfrog Pond, a Yellow Warbler sat on her nest while several Western Tanagers flitted about. King Horn Slough produced several warbler species, Warbling Vireos, Bullock’s Orioles and a Veery, and the Railroad Ponds offered Pygmy Nuthatches, Mountain Chickadees and House Wrens. After lunch, we watched an American Dipper dip and a female Common Merganser carry seven chicks down the Teanaway River at Red Bridge. And, out on Swauk Prairie we saw Mountain and Western Bluebirds, Western Meadowlarks, Say’s Phoebe and Western Kingbirds.

72 species (approx. qty.)

Attendees: Virginia, Phil, Graham, Dianna, Ken, Doug, Rex, Jeff, Karen, Pam, John E., Val,

Linda, Norwyn, Leanne, Denny, Anne, Junelle, Reg, Bruce


WATERFOWL: Canada Goose (12), Mallard (4), Hooded Merganser (1), Common Merganser


GALLINACEOUS BIRDS: California Quail (1), Wild Turkey (3)

PELICANS, HERONS, IBIS: Great Blue Heron (1)

VULTURE: Turkey Vulture (4)

RAPTORS: Osprey (2), Northern Harrier (1), Cooper’s Hawk (1), Red-tailed Hawk (4),

American Kestrel (2)

SHOREBIRDS: Killdeer (6)

DOVES, PIGEONS: Band-tailed Pigeon (1), Eurasian Collared-Dove (1), Mourning Dove (2)

HUMMINGBIRDS: Anna’s Hummingbird (1), Calliope Hummingbird (1), Rufous

Hummingbird (3)

KINGFFISHER: Belted Kingfisher (1)

WOODPECKERS: Red-breasted Sapsucker (3), Downy Woodpecker (1), Northern Flicker (2),

Pileated Woodpecker (1)

FLYCATCHERS: Western Wood-Pewee (3), Hammond’s Flycatcher (1), Says Phoebe (1),

Western Kingbird (3)

SHRIKES, VIREOS: Cassin’s Vireo (1), Warbling Vireo (5)

CORVIDS: Steller’s Jay (3), Black-billed Magpie (2), American Crow (7), Common Raven (4)

LARKS, SWALLOWS: Tree Swallow (12), Violet-green Swallow (27), Northern Rough-winged

Swallow (5)

CHICKADEES, BUSHTIT: Black-capped Chickadee (3), Mountain Chickadee (3)

NUTHATCHES, CREEPER: Red-breasted Nuthatch (6), White-breasted Nuthatch (4), Pygmy

Nuthatch (9)

WRENS: House Wren (4)

DIPPERS: American Dipper (1)

THRUSHES: Veery (1), American Robin (12)

MIMIDS, STARLINGS: European Starling (20)

WARBLERS, CHATS: Nashville Warbler (5), MacGillivray’s Warbler (3), Common

Yellowthroat (1), Yellow Warbler (12), Yellow-rumped Warbler (4), Black-throated Gray

Warbler (1), Wilson’s Warbler (2)

LONGSPURS, SPARROWS: Spotted Towhee (3), Chipping Sparrow (4), Song Sparrow (6),

White-crowned Sparrow (8), Dark-eyed Junco (1)

TANAGERS, GROSBEAKS: Western Tanager (10), Black-headed Grosbeak (10)

BLACKBIRDS, ORIOLES: Red-winged Blackbird (10), Western Meadowlark (12), Brewer’s

Blackbird (25), Brown-headed Cowbird (30), Bullock’s Oriole (3)

FINCHES, WEAVER FINCH: Evening Grosbeak (14), Purple Finch (10), Cassin’s Finch (3),

Red Crossbill (5), Pine Siskin (2), American Goldfinch (10)