Trip Report: South Whidbey Island

Photo: Surfbird by Mick Thompson

April 19, 2022

A great day of dry-weather birding began with a raft of about 125 Barrow’s Goldeneyes near the ferry and ended with at least 50 Black Turnstones and 10 Surfbirds near Grasser’s Lagoon – alas no Rock Sandpiper among them. In between, we found five Ospreys cavorting overhead at Ewing Road Marsh; Marbled Murrelets, a Bonaparte’s Gull and three loon species at Dave Mackie Park; Whimbrels, Black-bellied Plovers, Cedar Waxwings, Greater White-fronted Geese and a California Quail at Deer Lagoon; three American White Pelicans passing over Double Bluff County Park; plus much more.

87 Species (Approx. Qty.)

Attendees: Virginia, Phil, Jim, Dianna, Ken, Frank, John H., Rex, Maureen, Sue, Carlos, Judy B., Judy L. Karen, Victor, Doug, Sandy, Pam, John E.


WATERFOWL: Greater White-fronted Goose (30), Brant (930), Canada Goose (5), Wood Duck (2), Gadwall (18), Eurasian Wigeon (1), American Wigeon (15), Mallard (13), Northern Shoveler (26), Northern Pintail (37), Green-winged Teal (200), Lesser Scaup (20), Harlequin Duck (6), Surf Scoter (35), Bufflehead (102), Common Goldeneye (5), Barrow’s Goldeneye (5), Hooded Merganser (1), Red-breasted Merganser (16)

GALLINACEOUS BIRDS: California Quail (1)

LOONS, GREBES: Red-throated Loon (2), Pacific Loon (4), Common Loon (6), Horned Grebe (30), Red-necked Grebe (4), Western Grebe (2)

PELICANS, HERONS, IBIS: Double-crested Cormorant (6), Pelagic Cormorant (30), American White Pelican (3), Great Blue Heron (13)

VULTURE: Turkey Vulture (1)

RAPTORS: Osprey (7), Bald Eagle (6), Northern Harrier (1), Red-tailed Hawk (5)

RAILS, CRANES: Virginia Rail (1), American Coot (10)

SHOREBIRDS: Black-bellied Plover (40), Killdeer (2), Greater Yellowlegs (3), Whimbrel (18), Black Turnstone (50), Surfbird (10), Western Sandpiper (6), Dunlin (200)

GULLS, TERNS: Bonaparte’s Gull (10), Short-billed Gull (50), Ring=billed Gull (1), California Gull (4), Glaucous-winged Gull (25), Caspian Tern (26)

ALCIDS, JAEGERS: Pigeon Guillemot (17), Marbled Murrelet (2), Rhinoceros Auklet (4)

DOVES, PIGEONS: Rock Pigeon (15), Eurasian Collared-Dove (1), Mourning Dove (2)

HUMMINGBIRDS: Anna’s Hummingbird (1), Rufous Hummingbird (2)

WOODPECKERS: Northern Flicker (2)

CORVIDS: American Crow (6), Common Raven (3)

LARKS, SWALLOWS: Tree Swallow (1), Violet-green Swallow (20), Cliff Swallow (8), Barn Swallow (2)

CHICKADEES, BUSHTIT: Chestnut-backed Chickadee (2)

WRENS: Bewick’s Wren (1), Marsh Wren (4)

THRUSHES: American Robin (25)

MIMIDS, STARLINGS: European Starling (6)

WARBLERS, CHATS: Orange-crowned Warbler (1), Common Yellowthroat (2)

LONGSPURS, SPARROWS: Spotted Towhee (4), Savannah Sparrow (8), Song Sparrow (3), White-crowned Sparrow (12), Golden-crowned Sparrow (5), Dark-eyed Junco (2)

BLACKBIRDS, ORIOLES: Red-winged Blackbird (12), Brown-headed Cowbird (1)

FINCHES, WEAVER FINCH: Purple Finch (2), House Finch (6), Pine Siskin (4), American Goldfinch (6), House Sparrow (4)