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Birding: Stillaguamish Delta

Photo: Pied-billed Grebe by Mick Thompson

Meet at 8:00 AM at the Quil Ceda Village Walmart lot west of Marysville (I-5 exit 200). Park away from the store to the east near Quil Ceda Blvd. (next to I-5). We’ll explore fields and shoreline, including a walk at The Nature Conservancy’s Port Susan Bay preserve.  If you have not already (in the past) signed a liability waiver for Port Susan Bay, go to . On the webpage, click on the “visit” tab (next to “overview” tab, middle of page), to find and print the waiver. Bring your signed waiver to the field trip. In case needed, some waivers will be available to sign at Port Susan Bay. Dress for the weather and pack a lunch.

Trip leaders: Diane Marie Murray (206-769-6271) and Denny Bolton (425-241-6892)

Earlier Event: January 13
Presentation at Snohomish Garden Club
Later Event: January 19
Birding: Luther Burbank Park