Birding Trips

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Birding: Early Spring Birding at Wallace Swamp Creek Park
9:00 AM09:00

Birding: Early Spring Birding at Wallace Swamp Creek Park

Meet at 9:00am at 19851 73rd Ave NE, Kenmore, WA 98028 near the parking kiosk.

This 25-acre, largely undeveloped park along Swamp Creek is a great place for beginner and intermediate birders to hone their skills. Warmer temperatures and longer days make for fun bird watching.

If there have been recent rains, the trails will be very muddy, tall rubber boots are recommended.

There are no restrooms on site.

Please submit your 2025 Field Trip Liability Release before participating, no other registration is required.

Adult Release Form / Youth Release Form

This will be a recurring field trip on the last Saturday of each month.

Trip leader: Linda Phillips (206-291-3663)

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Birding: Snohomish
8:00 AM08:00

Birding: Snohomish

Meet at 8:00 AM at the Snohomish Park and Ride on Avenue D, just off Hwy 9 and Bickford Ave. (the address is 1700 Avenue D). Please come prepared to carpool — the number of cars impacts safety and where we are able to stop for birding, and also we want to be environmentally conscious. Our possible stops will include the Blackman’s Lake area, Riverview Wildlife Refuge and Bob Heirman Preserve. In this transitional period, we should still see winter waterfowl but will also be watching for early migrants like swallows and Rufous Hummingbird. Dress for the weather and pack a lunch.

Trip leader: Doug Cooper (509-990-7499)

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Birding: Lake Ballinger to Echo Lake
8:00 AM08:00

Birding: Lake Ballinger to Echo Lake

This is a half-day trip. We’ll bird from Lake Ballinger in Mountlake Terrace to Echo Lake in Shoreline, walking from one to the other, then returning to our starting point via public transit. Boots recommended. The route is long, but there will be no significant hills. Further details will be provided to registered participants. After you have submitted your 2025 Liability Release forms, please contact the trip leader in order to register for the trip.

Adult Release Form / Youth Release Form

Trip Leader: Douglas Resnick, or 425-776-4811 (landline)

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Birding: Nisqually
8:00 AM08:00

Birding: Nisqually

Meet at 8:00 AM at the Lynnwood Walmart (I-5 exit 183, then to 1400 164th St. SW, east side of the freeway) and park away from the store (toward I-5) OR meet the group at 10:00 AM at Nisqually Wildlife Refuge (I-5 exit 114 – be sure to take this exit to “Nisqually Refuge,” not the earlier exit to “Nisqually”). If you meet in Lynnwood, please come prepared to carpool. Nisqually asks for a $3 fee per four adults, but that doesn’t apply if you have the Golden Age Pass for people 62 or older. We will walk the forested trails and check out the meadow, streams and estuary. We plan to leave the refuge at 1:30 PM, so it will be about three hours of walking on level trails, plus time for lunch. There are some benches here and there. Dress for the weather and pack a lunch.

Trip leaders: Diane Marie Murray (206-769-6271) and Denny Bolton (425-241-6892)

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Birding: Penny Creek Natural Area
8:00 AM08:00

Birding: Penny Creek Natural Area

A series of urban/suburban ponds and wetlands should provide for many species of waterfowl and early migrating songbirds. We'll listen for Common Yellowthroats and rails, keep eyes peeled for Cinnamon Teals, and try our best to keep up with the swallows.

We'll meet on the north edge of the Safeway parking lot just north on 132nd St SE, and carpool from there (there is limited parking), or walk. If time allows, we can explore other nearby ponds.

After you have submitted your 2025 Liability Release form, please contact the trip leader in order to register for the trip.

Adult Release Form / Youth Release Form

Trip Leader: David Droppers,

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Birding: Stillaguamish Delta
7:00 AM07:00

Birding: Stillaguamish Delta

Meet at 7:00 AM at the Quil Ceda Village Walmart lot west of Marysville (I-5 exit 200). Park away from the store to the east near Quil Ceda Blvd. (next to I-5). Please come prepared to carpool – the number of cars impacts safety and where we are able to stop for birding, and also we want to be environmentally conscious. This trip starts early to coordinate with the tide and will include Eide Road and the Nature Conservancy’s Port Susan Bay Preserve. If you have not already (in the past) completed a liability waiver for Port Susan Bay, please do it at On the webpage, click on “visit” (next to “overview” in middle of page) to find and print the waiver. Bring your signed waiver to the field trip. (A few will be available to sign on the trip.) Our birding targets will include returning summer visitors, such as Blue-winged Teal, Cinnamon Teal, Osprey, Purple Martin, Cliff Swallow, Orange-crowned Warbler and Common Yellowthroat. Dress for the weather and pack a lunch.

Trip leader: Teri Martine (206-522-2920)

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Birding: Union Bay Natural Area
7:15 AM07:15

Birding: Union Bay Natural Area

Meet at 7:15 AM at Walmart in Lynnwood (1400 164th St. SW, Lynnwood — Exit 183 from I-5) and park away from the store (nearer I-5), organize into carpools and head to Union Bay OR meet the leaders and the group at the Union Bay Natural Area (Montlake Fill) at 8:00 AM in the large parking lot at 3501 NE 41st St. in Seattle. Please come prepared to carpool — the number of cars impacts safety and where we are able to stop for birding, and also we want to be environmentally conscious. We’ll walk the extensive trails at Union Bay, including Yesler Swamp at the east side of the parking lot. We might also visit Magnuson Park, the Arboretum or other local hotspots, depending on what has been seen recently. This trip involves quite a bit of walking (2-3 miles at Union Bay plus other locations). Dress for the weather and pack a lunch.

Trip leaders: Karen Morse (919-260-9018) and Robin Melvin (206-369-4549)

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Birding: Spring Birds of Wallace Swamp Creek Park
9:00 AM09:00

Birding: Spring Birds of Wallace Swamp Creek Park

Meet at 9:00am at 19851 73rd Ave NE, Kenmore, WA 98028 near the parking kiosk.

April provides opportunities to view breeding behavior such as pair bonding, territorial defense, cavity excavation and nest building by resident birds.

Early migrants may also show up as we explore 25 acres of woods along Swamp Creek.

If there have been recent rains, the trails will be very muddy, tall rubber boots are recommended.

There are no restrooms on site.

Please submit your 2025 Field Trip Liability Release before participating, no other registration is required.

Adult Release Form / Youth Release Form

This will be a recurring field trip on the last Saturday of each month.

Trip leader: Linda Phillips (206-291-3663)

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Birding: Sequim
7:15 AM07:15

Birding: Sequim

Meet at 7:15 AM at the Wade James Theater parking lot at 900 Main St. in Edmonds, just east of 9th Ave., to take the 7:55 ferry to Kingston. Please come prepared to carpool – the number of cars impacts safety and where we are able to stop for birding, and also we want to be environmentally conscious. Sequim should provide good birding in Spring, just as with our usual Fall trip. We especially will be looking for migrating shorebirds and passerines. We aim to return to Edmonds on the 4:40 or 5:30 ferry. Dress for the weather and pack a lunch.

Trip leader: Frank Caruso (774-238-0698)

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Birding: Everett Shoreline and Evergreen Arboretum
8:00 AM08:00

Birding: Everett Shoreline and Evergreen Arboretum

This is a half-day trip.  We’ll spend the morning birding at various sites in northern Everett. This will be a fairly easy walk. Boots recommended. Further details will be provided to registered participants. After you have submitted your 2025 Liability Release forms, please contact the trip leader in order to register for the trip.

Adult Release Form / Youth Release Form

Trip Leader: Douglas Resnick, or 425-776-4811 (landline)

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Birding: O.O. Denny Park
7:00 AM07:00

Birding: O.O. Denny Park

Happy Mother's Day! Let's get together to appreciate all the hard working bird moms out there, giving rise to the next generation of feathered friends. This will be a leisurely, though maybe somewhat challenging, walk through the woods with some ups and downs. Trekking poles may be necessary. We'll look and listen for migrating songbirds in particular, scan the shores for waterfowl getting ready to fly northward, and the forest is loaded with woodpeckers as well. Off in time for brunch!

Meet at the western parking lot closer to the water.

After you have submitted your 2025 Liability Release form, please contact the trip leader in order to register for the trip.

Adult Release Form / Youth Release Form

Trip Leader: David Droppers,

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Birding: North Whidbey
8:00 AM08:00

Birding: North Whidbey

Meet at 8:00 AM at the Quil Ceda Village Walmart lot west of Marysville (I-5 exit 200). Park away from the store to the east near Quil Ceda Blvd. (next to I-5). Please come prepared to carpool -- the number of cars impacts safety and where we are able to stop for birding, and also we want to be environmentally conscious. Fidalgo Island and North Whidbey Island offer a variety of habitats, with lake and waterfront settings as well as nearby woodland. Stops may include March Point, Campbell Lake, Rosario Beach, Deception Pass and Dugualla Bay. Dress for the weather and pack a lunch.

Trip leader: Bruce Bohmke (425-830-6146)

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Birding: Monroe to Carnation
8:00 AM08:00

Birding: Monroe to Carnation

Meet at 8:00 AM at the Monroe Park & Ride, west of the Evergreen Fairgrounds on Hwy 2. (The address is 17433 US-2 in Monroe.) Please come prepared to carpool -- the number of cars impacts safety and where we are able to stop for birding, and also we want to be environmentally conscious. We’ll explore the Snoqualmie River Valley and its various habitats – including wetlands, lakes and forest – looking for raptors, swans, waterfowl, and woodland species. Dress for the weather and pack a lunch.

Trip leader: Jeff Hambleton (425-923-0227)

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Birding: Darrington
8:00 AM08:00

Birding: Darrington

Meet at 8:00 AM at the Quil Ceda Village Walmart lot west of Marysville (I-5 exit 200). Park away from the store to the east near Quil Ceda Blvd. (next to I-5). Please come prepared to carpool -- the number of cars impacts safety and where we are able to stop for birding, and also we want to be environmentally conscious. We often visit the Darrington area later in the year looking for spring migrants, but it can also be good for resident birds, such as American Dipper, Evening Grosbeak and many woodpeckers. Our birding stops will include Bryson Road, C-Post Road, Fortson Mill Ponds, Squire Creek Campground and Whitehorse Park. Dress for the weather and pack a lunch.

Trip leaders: Diane Marie Murray (206-769-6271) and Denny Bolton (425-241-6892)

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Birding: Crescent Lake
3:00 PM15:00

Birding: Crescent Lake

Crescent Lake has a variety of habitats, including fields, forests, and ponds, flush with winter waterfowl, raptors, songbirds, etc. We'll be staying a bit after sunset in hopes of encountering the areas owls, including Western Screech, American Barn, and Great Horned. A surprise is always possible at Crescent.

Dress for the weather, and bring a flashlight just in case.

After you have submitted your 2025 Liability Release form, please contact the trip leader in order to register for the trip.

Meet at the southern parking lot.

Adult Release Form / Youth Release Form

Trip Leader: David Droppers,

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Birding: Blaine and Semiahmoo
8:00 AM08:00

Birding: Blaine and Semiahmoo

Meet at 8:00 AM at the Quil Ceda Village Walmart lot west of Marysville (I-5 exit 200). Park away from the store to the east near Quil Ceda Blvd. (next to I-5). Please come prepared to carpool -- the number of cars impacts safety and where we are able to stop for birding, and also we want to be environmentally conscious. Organize into carpools and head to Bellingham to meet the leader at 9:30 AM at Blaine Marine Park (at the first pullout after the traffic circle). We’ll bird around Drayton Harbor and Semiahmoo Spit and, if time allows, Birch Bay. Dress for the weather and pack a lunch.

Trip leader: Graham Hutchison (425-890-0723)

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Birding: Magnuson Park in Seattle
8:00 AM08:00

Birding: Magnuson Park in Seattle

This is a half-day trip. We’ll spend the morning at Magnuson Park. This will be a moderately challenging walk. Boots recommended. Further details will be provided to registered participants. After you have submitted your 2025 Liability Release forms, please contact the trip leader in order to register for the trip.

Adult Release Form / Youth Release Form

Trip Leader: Douglas Resnick, or 425-776-4811 (landline)

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Birding: Camano & Stanwood
7:30 AM07:30

Birding: Camano & Stanwood

Meet at 7:30 AM at the Quil Ceda Village Walmart lot west of Marysville (I-5 exit 200) to carpool to Stanwood. Park away from the store to the east near Quil Ceda Blvd. (next to I-5). Organize into carpools and drive to meet the leader at Hamilton Landing Park in Stanwood at 26810 98th Ave NW (near the Hamilton Smokestack). OR go directly to Hamilton Landing Park and meet the group there at 8:00 AM. We will check out the sewage treatment ponds from the new Port Susan Trail and then head onto Camano to explore hotspots, and end with a walk at Leque Island. Pack a lunch and dress for the weather.

Trip leader: Pam Pritzl (360-202-9694)

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Birding: Winter Birds of Wallace Swamp Creek Park
9:00 AM09:00

Birding: Winter Birds of Wallace Swamp Creek Park

Meet at 9:00am at 19851 73rd Ave NE Kenmore 98028.

This 25-acre park features trails through riparian forest along Swamp Creek that can be muddy, even flooded in winter. Tall rubber boots highly recommended. If we are fortunate, we will see/hear Varied Thrush and Townsend's Warblers in addition to more common resident birds. There are no restrooms on site.

Please submit your 2025 Field Trip Liability Release before participating, no other registration is required.

Adult Release Form / Youth Release Form

This will be a recurring field trip on the last Saturday of each month.

Trip leader: Linda Phillips (206-291-3663)

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Birding: Port Townsend
7:15 AM07:15

Birding: Port Townsend

Meet at 7:15 AM in Edmonds at the Wade James Theater parking lot. The theater’s address is 950 Main St., Edmonds, just east of 9th Ave, on the south side of Main St. This popular winter trip focuses on various sites around Port Townsend, including Marrowstone Island, Fort Flagler, Fort Worden and Kah Tai Lagoon. We will return on the 4:00 or 4:40 p.m. ferry.  Pack a lunch and dress for the weather, including possibly windy conditions.

Trip leader: Frank Caruso (774-238-0698)

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Birding: Semiahmoo and Blaine Harbor
7:30 AM07:30

Birding: Semiahmoo and Blaine Harbor

Meet in the southeast corner of the Quil Ceda Village Walmart lot west of Marysville (I-5, exit 200).

On a recent trip to see the Yellow-billed Loon, I went all the way to Semiahmoo and was reminded of what a great birding spot it is. What a location for a Pilchuck Audubon trip, especially if you've never been! We'll expect to see a variety of sea ducks, shorebirds, and likely a few surprises. Maybe the Yellow-billed Loon will still be hanging around.

Bring a lunch and dress for the weather.

After you have submitted your 2025 Liability Release form, please contact the trip leader in order to register for the trip.

Adult Release Form / Youth Release Form

Trip Leader: David Droppers,

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Birding: Marsyville
8:00 AM08:00

Birding: Marsyville

Meet at 8:00 AM at the Quil Ceda Village Walmart lot west of Marysville (I-5 exit 200). Park away from the store to the east near Quil Ceda Blvd. (next to I-5). We’ll walk the Ebey Waterfront Trail, as well as Harborview Park and Jennings Park. Dress for the weather and pack a lunch.

Trip leaders: Diane Marie Murray (206-769-6271) and Denny Bolton (425-241-6892)

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Birding: Fir Island
8:00 AM08:00

Birding: Fir Island

Meet at 8:00 AM at the Quil Ceda Village Walmart lot west of Marysville (I-5 exit 200). Park away from the store to the east near Quil Ceda Blvd. (next to I-5). We will explore Wylie Slough, Hayton Reserve, and the farm roads of Fir Island and the Skagit Valley in search of wintering raptors and waterfowl. Dress for the weather and pack a lunch.

Trip leaders: Diane Marie Murray (206-769-6271) and Denny Bolton (425-241-6892)

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Birding: Picnic Point to Haines Wharf
1:00 PM13:00

Birding: Picnic Point to Haines Wharf

UPDATED TIME: Due to forecasted snow this Saturday, this field trip has been pushed back to a 1:00pm start time (originally 8am).

This is a half-day trip. We’ll visit Picnic Point Park, Haines Wharf Park, and sites between. This will be a moderately challenging walk and will include a stint walking on the side of a road. Boots recommended. Further details will be provided to registered participants. After you have submitted your 2025 Liability Release forms, please contact the trip leader in order to register for the trip.

Adult Release Form / Youth Release Form

Trip Leader: Douglas Resnick, or 425-776-4811 (landline)

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Birding: Everett Ponds & Spencer Island
8:00 AM08:00

Birding: Everett Ponds & Spencer Island

Meet at 8:00 AM at the gravel parking lot at the Everett Sewage Treatment Plant, or carpool from the nearby Langus Riverfront Park parking lot. From the south, take Exit 195 from I-5 to East Marine View Dr. to SR 529, Ross Rd. and Smith Island Rd., then past Langus Riverfront Park and around curve to the gravel lot. From the north, take Exit 198 from I-5 to SR 529, then exit for Langus Riverfront Park along frontage road to Ross Rd. and Smith Island Rd. We'll spend the morning birding the settling ponds and then walk out as far as feasible on Spencer Island. We may learn about restoration plans for the island. Dress for the weather and pack a lunch – we’ll eat at the covered shelter at Langus Park. After lunch, for those interested, an optional stop at the 12th St NE overlook for more shorebirds and waterfowl.

Trip leader: Jeff Hambleton (425-923-0227)

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Birding: Winter Birds of Wallace Swamp Creek Park
9:00 AM09:00

Birding: Winter Birds of Wallace Swamp Creek Park

Meet at 9:00am at 19851 73rd Ave NE Kenmore 98028.

This 25-acre park features trails through riparian forest along Swamp Creek that can be muddy, even flooded in winter. Tall rubber boots highly recommended. If we are fortunate, we will see/hear Varied Thrush and Townsend's Warblers in addition to more common resident birds. There are no restrooms on site.

Please submit your 2025 Field Trip Liability Release before participating, no other registration is required.

Adult Release Form / Youth Release Form

This will be a recurring field trip on the last Saturday of each month.

Trip leader: Linda Phillips (206-291-3663)

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Birding: Samish Flats
8:00 AM08:00

Birding: Samish Flats

Meet at 8:00 AM at the Quil Ceda Village Walmart lot west of Marysville (I-5 exit 200). Park away from the store to the east near Quil Ceda Blvd. (next to I-5). We will look for winter hawks, falcons, owls, shrikes and wintering waterfowl along the flats and check out both Padilla Bay and Samish Bay. Dress for the weather and pack a lunch.

Trip leader: Frank Caruso (774-238-0698)

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Birding: Luther Burbank Park
8:00 AM08:00

Birding: Luther Burbank Park

Join David for a walk on Mercer Island, where we'll meander through mixed forest, freshwater shoreline, and open "fields", looking for all the birds we can find.

Hope for sun, or at least no rain, and bring shoes comfortable for walking a couple of miles in. Feel free to bring umbrellas, and remember to dress for January. Expect an email a couple of days before the trip with the weather forecast.

After you have submitted your 2025 Liability Release form, please contact the trip leader in order to register for the trip.

Adult Release Form / Youth Release Form

Trip Leader: David Droppers,

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Birding: Stillaguamish Delta
8:00 AM08:00

Birding: Stillaguamish Delta

Meet at 8:00 AM at the Quil Ceda Village Walmart lot west of Marysville (I-5 exit 200). Park away from the store to the east near Quil Ceda Blvd. (next to I-5). We’ll explore fields and shoreline, including a walk at The Nature Conservancy’s Port Susan Bay preserve.  If you have not already (in the past) signed a liability waiver for Port Susan Bay, go to . On the webpage, click on the “visit” tab (next to “overview” tab, middle of page), to find and print the waiver. Bring your signed waiver to the field trip. In case needed, some waivers will be available to sign at Port Susan Bay. Dress for the weather and pack a lunch.

Trip leaders: Diane Marie Murray (206-769-6271) and Denny Bolton (425-241-6892)

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Birding: Union Bay Natural Area
8:00 AM08:00

Birding: Union Bay Natural Area

Meet at 8:00 AM at the Quil Ceda Village Walmart lot west of Marysville (I-5 exit 200). Park away from the store to the east near Quil Ceda Blvd. (next to I-5), organize into carpools and head to Union Bay. OR meet the leader and the group at the Union Bay Natural Area (Montlake Fill) at 9:00 AM, in the large parking lot at 3501 NE 41st St. in Seattle. We’ll walk the extensive trails at Union Bay, starting with Yesler Swamp at the north side of the parking lot. We also plan to visit Magnuson Park. Dress for the weather and pack a lunch.

Trip leader: Karen Morse (919-260-9018)

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Birding: McCollum Park and Silver Lake
8:00 AM08:00

Birding: McCollum Park and Silver Lake

This is a half-day trip. We’ll visit McCollum Park and Everett’s nearby Silver Lake. This will be a fairly easy walk. There will be traffic noise. Boots recommended. Further details will be provided to registered participants. After you have submitted your 2025 Liability Release forms, please contact the trip leader in order to register for the trip.

Adult Release Form / Youth Release Form

Trip Leader: Douglas Resnick, or 425-776-4811 (landline)

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Birding: West Seattle Shoreline
8:00 AM08:00

Birding: West Seattle Shoreline

David has never seen Surfbirds! David wants to see Surfbirds! Help David scour the west Seattle shoreline for this species, as well as numerous other seabirds that may be visible from Alki and other viewpoints along the shores of West Seattle. 

Meet at the Mountlake Terrace Transit Center if you'd like to carpool south to West Seattle; otherwise, you can meet us at our first spot. 

After you have submitted your 2024 Field Trip Liability Release online, please contact the trip leader in order to register for the trip, as the location of our first spot will be sent in the email a few days before the trip.

Trip Leader: David Droppers,

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Birding: Monroe & Carnation
8:00 AM08:00

Birding: Monroe & Carnation

Meet at 8:00 AM at the Monroe Park and Ride on U.S. 2, next to the Evergreen Fairgrounds, for a trip through the Snoqualmie River Valley. Stops might include Lake Tye, Crescent Lake, Tolt-McDonald Park, Sikes Lake and the Snoqualmie River Trail. Pack a lunch. Dress for the weather.

Trip leaders: Jeff Hambleton (425-923-0227) and Rex Guichard (206-999-7618)

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Birding: Samish Flats
8:00 AM08:00

Birding: Samish Flats

Meet at 8:00 AM at the Quil Ceda Village Walmart lot west of Marysville (I-5 exit 200). Park away from the store to the east near Quil Ceda Blvd. (next to I-5). We will look for winter hawks, falcons, owls, shrikes and wintering waterfowl along the flats and check out both Padilla Bay and Samish Bay. Pack a lunch. Dress for the weather.

Trip leader: Rex Guichard (206-999-7618)

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Birding: Evergreen Arboretum and Everett Shoreline
8:00 AM08:00

Birding: Evergreen Arboretum and Everett Shoreline

TThis is a half-day trip. We’ll spend the morning birding at various sites in northern Everett. This will be a fairly easy walk. Boots recommended. Further details will be provided to registered participants. After you have submitted your 2024 Field Trip Liability Release online, please contact the trip leader, in order to register for the trip.

Trip Leader: Douglas Resnick, or 425-776-4811 (landline)

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Birding: Fir Island
8:00 AM08:00

Birding: Fir Island

Meet at 8:00 AM at the Quil Ceda Village Walmart lot west of Marysville (I-5 exit 200). Park away from the store, to the east, near Quil Ceda Blvd. (next to I-5). We will see what recent changes at Wylie Slough have wrought, as we check out the shorebirds and winter arrivals there and other hotspots in the Skagit valley. Pack a lunch.

Trip leaders: Dianne Marie Murray (206-769-6271) and Denny Bolton (425-241-6892)

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Birding: Wallace Swamp Creek Park
9:00 AM09:00

Birding: Wallace Swamp Creek Park

Meet at 9:00am at 19851 73rd Ave NE Kenmore 98028. It takes 2+ hours to bird this 25-acre riparian forest bordering Swamp Creek. The trails get muddy during inclement weather, so please dress accordingly. There are no restrooms on site.

Please submitted your 2024 Field Trip Liability Release online, but NO registration required.

This will be a recurring field trip on the last Saturday of each month.

Trip leader: Linda Phillips (206-291-3663)

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Birding: North Camano Island
8:00 AM08:00

Birding: North Camano Island

Wanting to walk off a few calories from Thanksgiving? Wanting to show your visiting family and friends what a cool place you live in? Bring them and give thanks to the birds, as we visit several sites on North Camano Island.  

We'll meet at the Stanwood Park n Ride off of I-5, exit 212 at 8:00 AM, and carpool from there.  For those living further south, we can meet at, and carpool from, the Swamp Creek Park n Ride in Lynnwood at 7:30 AM.  

David will bring printed waiver forms for visiting family and friends to sign. 

After you have submitted your 2024 Field Trip Liability Release online, please contact the trip leader, in order to register for the trip.

Trip Leader: David Droppers,

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Birding: Point-No-Point
7:10 AM07:10

Birding: Point-No-Point

Meet at 7:10 AM at the Edmonds Wade James Theater Parking Lot. The theater’s address is 950 Main St., Edmonds, 98020, just east of 9th Ave, on the south side of Main St. We’ll do a short hike at Foulweather Bluff, through forest to a sandy beach and marshy wetland, before birding Point-No-Point. Lunch at Norwegian Point or perhaps Buck Lake, and aim for the 2:30 ferry back to Edmonds. Dress in layers and pack a lunch.

Trip leaders: Bruce Bohmke (425-830-6146)

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