Trip Report: Fir Island

Photo: Great Horned Owl by Mick Thompson

February 7, 2023

Mother Nature was not kind to us today. It was windy from the start, rain arrived in earnest later in the morning, and we were forced to call it a day at lunch time. Highlights were quick looks at a Great Horned Owl in flight, Yellow-rumped Warbler (Myrtle), Eurasian Wigeon, Sharp-shinned Hawk, dozens of Bald Eagles, and many Snow Geese and Trumpeter Swans.

40 species (approx. qty.)

Attendees: Phil, Rex, Dianna, Wilma, Pam P., Jane, Pam T., Bruce, Maureen Z., Karen, Frank, Rick, Teri, Ken, John H., Denny


WATERFOWL: Snow Goose (2030), Trumpeter Swan (1040), Tundra Swan (2), Eurasian Wigeon (1), American Wigeon (3300), Mallard (4700), Northern Shoveler (3), Northern Pintail (27), Green-winged Teal (20)

PELICANS, HERONS, IBIS: Great Blue Heron (2)

RAPTORS: Northern Harrier (4), Bald Eagle (40), Red-tailed Hawk (4), American Kestrel (1)

RAILS, CRANES: American Coot (23)

GULLS, TERNS: Glaucous-winged Gull (5)

DOVES, PIGEONS: Eurasian Collared-Dove (30), Mourning Dove (1)

OWLS: Great Horned Owl (1)

WOODPECKERS: Northern Flicker (2)

CORVIDS: Steller’s Jay (1) American Crow (10), Common Raven (1)

WRENS: Bewick’s Wren (1), Pacific Wren (1)

KINGLETS: Golden-crowned Kinglet (3)

THRUSHES: American Robin (12)

MIMIDS, STARLINGS: European Starling (25)

WARBLERS, CHATS: Yellow-rumped Warbler (Myrtle) ((1)

LONGSPURS, SPARROWS: Song Sparrow (2), Golden-crowned Sparrow (1), Dark-eyed Junco (11)

BLACKBIRDS, ORIOLES: Red-winged Blackbird (460), Brown-headed Cowbird (2), Brewer’s Blackbird (765)

FINCHES, WEAVER FINCH: House Finch (5), American Goldfinch (3), House Sparrow (3)